The Good, The Bad, and The Weird – March 1, 2017

After getting on a schedule with my YouTube videos, I’ve realized if I hold my own butt to the fire and establish a specific time for which to do things I start actually doing the things on a regular basis. Surprise! So in an effort to start getting back into posting blogs on regularly, I’m going to start holding my butt to the fire on these as well.

To help with that, I’ve decided to schedule blog updates on Mondays and Wednesdays (this coincides with my YouTube videos going up Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursday). With the possibility of also having a special type of blog post on Sundays – I’ll get to that in a bit. On top of the schedule, I’ve decided to theme my blog posts as a way to make sure I write. The fact is so much stuff happens that it gets overwhelming trying to decide what to write about. So if I stick to my weekly themes, hopefully I’ll be cranking out blog updates on the regular pretty quickly.

So the Wednesday updates are going to be called The Good, The Bad, and The Weird. Every Wednesday I’m going to pick something from the past week or so that makes me happy, something that makes me upset, and something that was either strange or caught my eye for a random reason. It’ll be three quick, short-form topics that I can either heap praise on or rant about to get out of my system. Should be fun for everyone, right?

Cool! So that’s enough preamble – let’s get to it!


Netflix’s Santa Clarita Diet

So I just finished watching the first season of Santa Clarita Diet on Netflix (it was added early February) and I’m gonna go ahead and say this is a big ol’ recommend from me. Now I knew what I was getting into when I started it – it’s by the same guy who created Better Off Ted, a lesser known comedy that got two seasons on ABC before being cancelled. Better Off Ted was a workplace comedy that took the ridiculousness up to 11 and was right up my alley in terms of its humor. (Better Off Ted is ALSO on Netflix, if you’re curious!) It also stars Timothy Olyphant (who is one of my favorite actors) so it was basically a must-watch for me and I was pretty certain I’d enjoy it. And I did.

Santa Clarita Diet is a send-up of the suburban family comedy the same way Better Off Ted messed with the office comedy genre. In it, Drew Barrymore and the afore-mentioned Timothy Olyphant are married realtors whose life has gotten a little…routine. Then suddenly the wife becomes a zombie and everything goes ass-up.

Every time I thought the show was going to go in one typical comedy direction, it almost always threw me a curveball and took the plot in a completely different direction. Drew Barrymore is great as the bored wife-turned-exciting zombie, and Timothy Olyphant plays slightly against type as the somewhat exasperated husband who can’t keep up with his wife’s new zombie ways. Some of the best moments of the show are them arguing about typical husband-wife things – for example, while standing over a large pile of weapons they bought for the purposes of a murder, one argues with the other over a hairbrush: “Just once I’d like to go to the store and buy only what we put on the list!”

Liv Hewson plays the hapless couple’s daughter, who for good reason has a bit of a teenage rebellious streak once she finds out her mom is undead – and she often times steals the scenes she’s in. Similarly, Skyler Gisondo plays their nerdy neighbor who knows everything about zombies and is totally cool with all the people-eating happening next door, and he has some great one-liners over the course of the ten episodes.

If you’re in the mood for a laugh, I highly recommend putting this show on – it’s ten half-hour episodes so easy enough to binge watch if you like it, and also easy to get a decent sample size to see whether or not you’ll enjoy it, but not too much that you’ll feel like you’ve wasted your time. But I don’t recommend eating while watching it – as it has to do with zombies, there are quite a few gross-out scenes included that may make you question that burger you’re about to chow down on.


Kellyanne’s Couch “Controversy”

A while back I made my feelings on “controversy” very clear. As such, the “controversy” that has come up in the past two days has drawn my ire because of how goddamn stupid it is.

If you haven’t heard, a picture of Kellyanne Conway with her feet on the Oval Office couch made its rounds on the internet recently. Some people made it a meme, some people were outraged by the disrespect she was showing the Oval Office. Some people even went so far as to say she was being racist, because it was during a meeting with a bunch of leaders from HBCUs (historically black colleges and universities) and surmised that if the room had been filled with a bunch of white people, she would have been standing at attention and not in such a casual position.

And this pisses me off.

Kellyanne Conway has done some stupid shit. “Alternative facts” and the “Bowling Green massacre” come to mind immediately. There’s probably lots of other things she’s said and done as Trump’s mouthpiece that are disrespectful and dumb. I’m not arguing that people can’t dislike her as a person or think she’s doing a bad job. But please. For the love of all that is holy – don’t make fucking controversies out of petty shit like this.

Make controversies over Congressional Republicans trying to sweep the Trump administration’s ties to Russia under the rug. Make controversies over Trump rolling back clean water regulations and heading towards dismantling the EPA. Make controversies over Sean Spicer taking people’s phones to see who they’ve been talking to. Make controversies over people like Trump, Spicer, and Conway making up terrorist attacks to make people scared and become more pro-nationalism.

But don’t do this. Just don’t. This is one of those things where people have decided to hate Kellyanne Conway and now every little thing she does is put under a microscope and judged. She happened to be sitting on the couch, looking at her phone (as she was taking a picture of everyone with said phone) when somebody else took a picture. Fuck off if that’s enough to get riled up about when there’s plenty of ACTUAL problems we should be discussing instead.


Tacos in Traffic

This one’s gonna be short as it’s just a link to an article:

In Seattle, a taco truck apparently opened its doors and served food to people stuck in traffic while waiting for an accident to be cleared up.

Just an amusing little anecdote that caught my eye. The world isn’t all that bad, right? Find happiness in the little things.

Even if you’re stuck in traffic.

The Good, The Bad, and The Weird – March 1, 2017

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